Dieuvensley Noel
Dieuvensley Noel was born on August 31, 2010 in a neighborhood called Rousseau located in Montrouis, Haiti. He is the youngest of his parent’s six children. Dieuvensley’s mother, Marie Mildor has decided to relinquish Dieuvensey to the Fontana Children’s Village because she was unable to provide the basic necessities for him. She is a house wife. She stayed at home and took care of the children while her husband worked. Unfortunately her husband died on October 29, 2010, two months after the birth of Dieuvensley. He was a victim of the outbreak of the epidemic of cholera. She has no one helping her with her six children. She hopes that Dieuvensley would have a better life by staying at the Fontana Children’s Village.
Upon his admission to the Village Dieuvensley was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect called single ventrical defect. We are trying to locate a Christian couple who is willing to adopt him. With surgery he should live well into adult hood.
Dieuvensley went to the US and had two successfull open heart surgeries! (year 2020). He has been adopted by the Allen family of Saint Augustine, Florida!