Rose Berlande
Rose Berlande Jean Baptist was born on 01/11/2010 in Campione commune de Moron (District: Grand Anse). Her mother was a healthy women who has completed her pregnancy. Thus Rose also was a healthy newborn. Rose has been entrusted to the care of Fondation Fontana d’Haiti because her parents could not take good care of her.
Rose Berlande is the third of a six children family. Her farther has been farming in the past but now is unemployed. Her farther has no money to take care of the children. Knowing that with the Fondation Fontana d’Haiti, Rose could have a better life.
Rose Berlande seems to be calm, but when she is with her peers she is very active. She is polite and behaves in a kind way towards everyone. She is happy to be in the Fontana Children’s Village
Rose Berlande is currently fully sponsored.